A little recognition is nice

I've been regularly busy lately. Nothing unusual; just the normal hustle and bustle of being a mommy with a busy toddler and still nursing, learning to crawl, 9 month old. I've put my blog on the back burner because honestly; it's not a priority. I'd love to be a mom-blogger with lots of followers and something inspirational once a day (or week even) but for now that's not going to happen.

A few things I've been working on in my free time are products for my teaching stores (see my blog Kawaii Classroom for more information on that), knitting for gifts (and for myself for once), and adding to my Zazzle shop. I got an e-mail yesterday that one of my products had been chosen for a "Today's Best" Award! I've had it happen once or twice before but it was still a nice little surprise.

If you want to see the product that won the award you can visit my shop here

I'm currently working on some hero themed graphics to add to teaching products and my Zazzle store. next I want to work on some robot themed graphics. Please check out all my stores and let me know if there is a certain product you would like me to make with any of my designs.

Thanks for reading!!
